3 Ways To Cope With Lockdowns And Quarantines

Priya Florence Shah
3 min readApr 10, 2021

Need ways to cope with the lockdown? Find coping strategies to deal with issues such as relationship stress, keeping kids occupied and earning money from home.

With the possibility of the coronavirus lockdowns and quarantines being extended in some places, many women are experiencing high levels of stress and some are even experiencing domestic violence.

If there’s anything that will get us through this challenging period, it’s our resourcefulness, ability to cope and ask for help when we need it.

If you’re experiencing any type of domestic abuse at home, you should learn about the types of domestic abuse and find domestic violence counselling helplines in India.

If you just need to find ways to cope with being at home for extended periods of time, this article will help you find ways to cope with extended lockdowns and quarantines, now or in the future.

1. Homeschool your kids

I’ve been homeschooling my child in India for a number of years and come to the conclusion that the idea of traditional schooling is redundant, especially in urban areas where the internet is easily available.

Perhaps the only place that traditional education still makes sense is in rural areas where the internet is not easily accessible and the only place kids can get an education is in their local school.

According to the Teaching Channel, research has indeed shown that creativity in children, educated in public schooling, tends to decline with age.

Homeschooled children are also more open to creative, artistic, and intellectual pursuits than their classroom peers — qualities they’re more likely to carry with them later in life.

Learn how to homeschool your child in India so you’re not dependent on the school system and your child’s educational progress is not held up by the lockdowns.

2. Find creative things to do at home

Boost creative thinking in children with this list of creative kids activities and creative things to do at home.

This list of indoor games and fun activities for kids at home will give you many things to do with kids at home.

Dramatic play or pretend play can help kids deal with real-life situations and you can let kids come up with their own role-play topics to expand their imaginations.

If your kids are driving you nuts during the lockdown and you’re desperate to keep them busy, happy and learning, don’t feel guilty to turn to this list of the top educational websites for kids and games for students.

3. Start working remotely

Many offices and companies have started working remotely as a result of the pandemic. However, there are others that are still resistant to this trend.

If you prefer to work from home so that you don’t have to put your family at risk, you can get certified as a MARS Partner.

This will help you become remote-ready so you can find remote work opportunities as and when the latest online jobs for women become available.

Another option to start earning from home is to start a zero-investment work-at-home business as a SHECO Partner.

This online business for women will help you access free training, mentorship and support to help you make money from your mobile phone.

You can also check out this list of 21 pandemic-proof work from home business ideas for women in India.

If you’re not ready for a full-fledged business yet, this list of real money earning apps in India will help you explore some more ways to make money from your Smartphone.

